Monday, February 6, 2012

In my corner...

The little girls were over. Mia played with the cooler. Pulled it around with her and climbed on it.
Nish climbed on Papa and played with him all evening. Except for the first 20 minutes, the first words out of her mouth were "Whitney's here". Sadly, Whitney left for the basketball game shortly after.
More of this...Whitney getting the kill.
My parents and my mom's sister came to watch Whitney play. I hadn't seen my aunt in a while, so I was pretty happy.

Other events in my corner included the usual, working out, laundry, dishes, carpool, grocery shopping, cooking, running errands, 40 hours at a full time job. I'm including these things because I don't want you to think I live a glamorous life ALL the time. (As if that's possible). As my friend Cate would say, "rainbows and unicorns" or as my friend Jenny would say "sunshine and roses".

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