Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Career Day

Nate is working towards a liberal arts degree right now. College Algebra, English 101, Psychology, Speech, Freshman Connect and Baseball are his classes (he actually gets a credit for baseball). 14 hours. He doesn't know what he wants to study, what he wants to do with his life. This is the first time he has been unsure since he was four years old. He asked me what that Seinfeld guy did. I said he's an actor. Nate asked what he did when he stood at a microphone and everyone laughed, I told him that's a comedian. Career Day in Kindergarten Nate said he wanted to be a comedian. Everyone laughed, Nate thought he had arrived. (And he's still making me laugh today.) Elementary school he wanted to either play professional baseball, be an astronaut or a supreme court justice. I explained to him that baseball you have about .0013% of making it, but that's better than the odds of one of 12 supreme court justices or one of 6 astronauts. He said they would be hard to get into, but the hard options he has, the more likely he is to get at least one of them. A little while later he thought he'd like to be a nuclear physicist, on the bomb squad or in the military because he wanted to blow things up. One day he told me that if none of his life plans worked out he would be okay. He could live on Ramen noodles and eat at my house as much as possible. High school brought a whole new idea to him, he was invited to his baseball coach's house to watch KU play in the NCAA tournament. He discovered that while a special ed History teacher/assistant football coach/head baseball coach may not make much money, his HR director at a major aerospace company wife did serious bank, so he decided he could teach pottery like his favorite teacher Mr. Self and just marry well. At Homecoming last year his career goal was to be CEO of his own company and develop stories for video games.
And now, reality. He has to decide. I'm spending a lot of time praying for him, because he has some decisions to make. No matter what he decides I couldn't be prouder. And my life has had a lot of laughter because of this "comedian".

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