Realized I still run with the same Ipod I've had for five years with the same playlist. I've used others, but I have one I will not change. I love it. I know what's coming next, before it starts playing. Two hours and thirteen minutes.

That is Queen, Tears for Fears and U2. Some of my favorites. Also mixed in with a little Styx, The Cars, The Cult, The Cure, Bob Segar, Depeche Mode, Kiss and a few other awesome 80's bands.
I ran my favorite route, south on the bike path next to the river to the ball fields where Nate played in high school. Yes, I used to run to his games. But then I rode home. Now I turn around and run home. Steve
Some might say I'm in a rut. And may even believe it. But I have found a place I love.
This all came to my mind when Nate came home Mother's Day weekend. He stood on the front porch and said "I love coming home. This is the best part. Stepping on the front porch and opening the door. The first step". He stepped in the house, stopped, looked around and said, "ahhhh, it's still the same, and it always smells so good". I teared up a little over that. Because nothing has changed, but everything has changed. And we are still the same mom and dad at home doing the same stuff and it looks the same, but it's not. We're not.
Yet, I still love my same stuff. I love my same clothes, until I wear them out. We eat the same foods. We go the same places. We enjoy the same hobbies. I listen to the same playlist, the same music.
I'm not saying change isn't good. Because I believe it is. On some levels though, it's okay to stay the same. Somethings don't need to change. My relationships grow and change and are always in a state of flux, some are stronger, some have dissipated. Dreams and goals change, professionally, I'm getting a promotion I didn't even apply for or ask for. And it's a good thing.
I thought of the scripture Hebrews 13:8-9 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace,"
He doesn't change.
Todays culture has changed to a belief of everything is okay because:
God is love, so all love is good - JUST STOP THIS! SO WRONG!
If he's married, your love is not from God.
If the Bible says your love is an abomination, it's not from God.
Loving people does not mean accepting everything they do and agreeing with everything they do.
Love includes correction and discipline.
I'm far from getting this right. I love people. I can be tolerant of their differences and their lifestyles. I can keep my mouth shut when I don't agree. Me believing different doesn't make me wrong, or you wrong, just different. My source of belief is the Bible, which hasn't changed. God's morals and standards haven't changed.
More importantly, his love has never changed, never fails, never gives up.
It may seem like nothing has changed, but when I look inside myself, I'm not the same person I was two years ago. I'm stronger, my faith in God is stronger, and I believe I can do all things because he gives me strength. I believe that he will strengthen me with his great power so I will not give up when troubles come, but I will be patient.
Whatever you are dealing with right now, read Colossians 1:11. Keep it close. He will strengthen you, the one who is the same yesterday, today and forever.