Thursday, May 23, 2013

does that make me crazy?

There is a line between curiosity and nosiness. I passed that at birth. There is another line between nosy and stalking. I'm afraid I'm close to this line. Reality is I should've studied sociology or anthropology or some other ology. I love to watch people. I love to see how they interact with others. It's why I'm a big fan of Survivor, Big Brother and Biggest Loser. Watching people make friends, form alliances and then stab each other in the back and call it a game for prize money is fascinating.

Did you ever know someone that you are obssessed fascinated with watching their life unravel unfold?

I have a few women like this in my world. With the internet, it's so easy to cyberstalk people. I don't make it hard for you, I just put mine out there. As my friend Cate once said "yes, that's crazy, but at least you know it". Like that makes it okay? If you know it's crazy behavior, it really is okay.

So I creep facebook and blogs and pinterest. A couple I'm actually facebook friends with so I can see everything. A couple I'm not, they make it harder to find out what they are up to. I'd like to friend them because I want more, but it would be in poor taste. (NOTE: If any of you block me or unfriend me, I'll know you read my blog and then I might have to call you out on this). But that doesn't stop me. I look. I search.

Whitney says that I love google, and she's right. I google everything. Example: at the doctor's office this morning doctor tells me I have a Baker's cyst on the back of my knee. Instead of asking her what a Baker's cyst is, being sure it's not a Baker's cyst cause my last name is Baker, I google, right there in the exam room while I wait for them to come back in with a referral. It's most likely caused from the torn cartilage, (which I have an appointment to confirm in two weeks with an MRI). Goes back to volleyball days. Yes, I've been running for 5 years with torn cartilage. Finally had enough of the pain. I'm a masochist. In this picture from last August I'm sporting black and tan KT tape because I was on the last strip of both colors.

Also want to give a shout out to Anya, on my left this was her first 5K and a couple weeks ago when I volunteered at Prairie Fire Spring Half Marathon I got to see her come through at mile 8 as she ran and finished her first half marathon.

So yes, I love google.

If they ever develop an app that lets you see who viewed your facebook profile, I'm in trouble. Because not only will I stalk you, I will look through your friends and see if we have mutual friends, what your friends hobbies are, do any of them work with me, etc.

I do feel the need to point out that while I know this makes me sound deranged, (okay, I will admit that possibly I am deranged, but I'm okay with it) it all started with the smartphone and sitting at trains, in waiting rooms, waiting at sports practices, in between games at tournaments, etc. When I'm home, I have other stuff to do. When I'm at work, I work (plus they block a lot of sites and limit how much time you can use a month. Literally a timer pops up on the screen and will kick you off). I'm getting better, because I know everything there is to know about most of my victims by now, so it doesn't take as long to keep up, lol.

I take it one more step, and really, this is a cry for help. This morning I sent Sheila a text and said go look at so and so's profile, they've uploaded a new picture. Pitiful, isn't it?

If there is a Stalkers Anonymous or 12 step program, please let me know.

And don't worry about stalking me (heehee) I'll tell you anything you want to know.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so you just said out loud what everyone else does - well, at least what I do too. :)I just don't tell others of my tendencies to snoop.
