We went to Willow Creek. It is a great church. I've heard of it, but didn't know much about it. I was not disappointed.
It was their 3 week Celebration of Hope. Think typical missions conference on steroids. There were organizations there with booths set up in the lobby that support world missions. Rain boots for students in Cambodia. Seeds for countries everywhere. Water for countries that don't have access to clean water. The list is about 30 long.
They did this. Gave out these bowls to everyone in attendance.

They were hand made, treated, and painted in Guatemala.
They asked everyone to eat a meal (or two or more) from this bowl over the next three weeks. Not to over fill it, and after you were done not to eat seconds. Just to be hungry and think about the people that that is all they get to eat. (I realize there are people in this country that live like this as well). I was going to clear my counter before I took the picture, but the irony of the cookie jar half full of Chips Ahoy cookies, the bananas that will most likely turn brown and be baked in oatmeal and the two different jugs of protein powder because Steve likes chocolate and I like vanilla next to these small bowls was not lost on me. And you can barely see the bowl of granola bars that my family doesn't like cause they are generic, that we feed to the dog and the neighbors dog instead of dog treats.
I've only used mine one time, and it holds a small amount of food. I was hungry before I went to bed.
I was touched by this. The service, the thought that went in to this, and the fact that they hired people in Guatemala and paid them to make these bowls. I was challenged to try and meet needs in my world. To continue with World Vision, and other areas I'm involved in, but to take every opportunity to help where I can. Big or small, individual or organization, to be a blessing because I am so blessed. We are not wealthy, but we have enough. Enough to live, enough to give.
I also got to hear Bob Goff preach. If you don't know who he is, you have missed out. He is the author of the book "Love Does" and is a phenomenal speaker, humanitarian, and individual.
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