Tuesday, November 6, 2012

my right to complain

shut the &$%@# up

yep. comment made at work today. “get out and vote. if you don’t, shut the &$%@# up”.

hear it all the time, if you don’t vote you don’t have the right to complain. people who are more familiar with our constitution and our rights feel free to confirm or deny this, but i’m guessing the right to complain is covered in free speech??? and if this is so, i have this right whether i vote or not. i get to complain just because it’s the american way.

i wonder how many other countries watch our uproar over voting on our new leader and laugh at the “united” states of america. could we be more divisive?

but we do have the freedom to elect our own leader.

i don’t say much anything about politics. i know what I believe. i know what is important to me. i know what issues matter to me. i won’t change anyone’s mind or opinion by anything i say, and it’s also my right to keep my opinion to myself. (i rarely do, though). i know that your issues may not be my issues, and that definitely comes into play when we decide who we will vote for. we may agree on 90% of everything, but our important issue, whether it's economy, women's rights, gay rights, pro-life, death penalty (also pro-life??) may be the one deciding factor.

it’s an honor and responsibility to vote, and i will, right after work.

i keep thinking today about proverbs 21:1. the king’s heart is like a flowing stream in the hands of our god. he can direct it where he wills. god changes the hearts of kings. when i think that god can change and direct the hearts of our leaders it gives me peace.

and not just our world leaders, all leaders. business leaders. family leaders. school leaders. church leaders.

no matter who is elected, god is still greater. more powerful. able to direct and change hearts.

just like he had a plan to save the world after its fall when adam sinned, he has a plan for our country (our world) after election today.

no matter who i vote for, no matter if i vote or i don’t, this is one thing that I will never “shut the &$%@# up” about - our god.

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