I've had this word rattling around in my head for awhile. Since Christmas. Whitney gave me this bracelet for Christmas. I love it. I would've found a way to relate to whatever word was on the bracelent. I'm not fearless. But I'm not afraid of much. Not near as much as I used to be. I've lived through some pretty harsh realities and survived, I've faced the majority of the things I knew I was afraid of, Nate leaving, climbing a mountain, getting snake bit, marriage trouble, kids in trouble that I can't fix, heartbreak, and lived to tell about it so I just move on.
Fearless. What does that mean? I'm not sure I know.
I've been watching the History Channel's presentation of The Bible. Third episode something clicked. Something about putting it into drama form that made it very powerful.
Men of God. Fearless.
Absolute favorite part so far has been the angels sent to get Lot out of Sodom. Black and angel and Asian angel throwing of their angel robes to reveal armor and Jet Li type moves. It was great. I think the angels would be pretty awesome, and I loved how they were portrayed as protectors of God's man, fighting for him. Gives me chills.
Moses when he hit the Red Sea with his staff and it parted (everytime I see it on the "previously on" I think of Gandolf in The Lord of the Rings "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"). The confidence he had in God.
Joshua running through the streets of Jericho as a spy.
David when he was on the front line of the battle when Goliath mocked the Israelites and he went out to fight him, single handedly.
Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego refusing to bow to the idol, praying to their God. (The bunny, the bunny, oh I love the bunny, I don't love my mom or my dad just the bunny...if you don't get this, google Veggie Tales Rack, Shack and Benny).
Daniel in the lions den.
Joseph fleeing Bethlehem for Egypt.
The show didn't show them as not realizing what they were up against. Not confident in themselves, confident in God.
I think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego where they say our God is able to protect us. But if he doesn't, we will still serve him. Confident in his power. That's where the fearless comes in. It's about knowing that at the end of your abilities you still have his strength.
You can be fearless because he will take care of everything.
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