Sunday, March 10, 2013

I want a donut

I have lived through two weeks of the insanity work out videos. They are tough. Along with that, I survived 7 workouts with Marquis. The hardest part of this last two weeks has been my attempt to lower the amount of sweets I eat. That's been tough.

Results? Definitely good. I lost 7.5 pounds. That's a great result. And I took the fitness test again to see if I've gotten stronger in two weeks. It's scheduled again in another two weeks. 8 exercises, really hard exercises like Jack push ups, plank obliques, power jumps, for as many as you can do in a minute. It was just as hard as the first day.

In the interest of keeping it simple I totaled reps for 8 exercises and day one I did 258 reps. This time I did 283, I did 9.7% more. If anything would motivate me to keep going, that would. I would've been happy with just one more.

Foot is so much better. Thinking I may get to run again soon. I miss it, but time off for healing has been necessary.

Have a blessed week everyone. If you get a chance to eat donuts think of me.

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