Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Radical Christianity

Nate was telling me that during the Olympics that one of the guys he's works with (from Pakistan) tells him this story:

A group of radical Christians hi-jacked an airplane of Muslims in Sochi. Because it was Christians kidnapping Muslims, it wasn't getting any press. He only knew cause his relatives in Bangladesh told him.

He asked Nate what he thought of that. I don't know how Nate answered with a straight face.

But I did think about radical Christianity.

Radical Christians picket soldiers funerals.
Radical Christians sit down in the drive way at abortion clinics.
Radical Christians shoot abortion doctors while they worship in their church on Sunday morning.
Radical Christians refuse to eat at restaurants that support gay marriage.

The first radical Christian was nailed to a cross for loving radically, forgiving radically, healing radically.

His followers were the next radical Christians, sharing this Jesus they knew and loved and they were all martyred for their beliefs.

Then we have the martyrs that were thrown to the lions, and even modern day martyrs around the world that are killed for their radical love for Christ.

Someone this week called Mother Theresa "a great human being". And she was. I would say however, that she was a radical Christian.

I had a friend this week tell me she wished she had more so she could give more. She is a radical Christian.

The world needs more radical Christians. But not the ones hi-jacking airplanes, lol.

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