Sunday, January 23, 2011

In my corner

I sat in the gym for 10 hours watching the first club volleyball tournament of the season. Hopefully they will get better. Whitney was pretty discouraged.

I went to Kwik Shop for gas and diet coke, wearing a pair of Steve's tennis shoes. The lady in front of me was in slippers and pajamas. I didn't feel too bad about my footwear.
I questioned the meaning of my life. SERIOUSLY! And got no answer.
I revised my running training plan. Less miles for the next two months. All my races are half of what Steve is running at the same time, so I can be slow.
I wore my glasses all day. And remembered that they give me a headache because I never wear them that long.
I took a nap. Three times this week.
I cooked. I cleaned. I car pooled. I did laundry.
I got my intinerary together and tickets purchased to visit two of my favorite couples in Boston in April. (This was actually two weeks ago, but I'm very excited about it. I may talk about it again before it gets here.)

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