Tuesday, October 2, 2012

common sense

today i was reading proverbs chapter 2, talking about common sense. there is a misconception that coomon sense and wisdom can be taught. I always thought you were born with it or without it. proverbs states that god gives them. tells us to beg for them.

verses 3-4

beg as loud as you can
for good common sense.
search for wisdom
as you would search for silver
or hidden treasure.

if you or someone you know is lacking, now you know why. time to start begging god.

i wander if part of begging god for common sense and seeking him for wisdom is in facing a difficult decision and turning to him for guidance and not just rolling full steam ahead. sometimes i think i get ahead of god and when i do that chances are real good i will take the wrong path. maybe, just maybe, if i took the time to search for wisdom and beg loudly for good commmon sense i'd save myself some heartache.

my mom always said "he ain't got the sense god gave a goose." i know geese with more sense then some humans. guess they are asking god.

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