Sunday, December 9, 2012

eight weeks

yesterday i ran with steve and we left later than we wanted to so we knew we would be racing on the trail to beat the sun going down. we are finally feeling winter here in kansas, yesterday was chilly and drizzly most of the day. it was bearable, even with the moisture and the damp air. today would not have been.

the whole 5 hours yesterday i was focused on one thing. the two hours i would have today. i didn't make it. i managed an hour workout tonight and then i was done.

saturday after running we went and did three hours of christmas shopping and my feet and legs were hating me. today i feel pretty good.

the workouts with marquis continue. and continue to kick my butt. they are harder and more intense every time. which is the plan. i'm definitely stronger than i was. i'm faster too, but only for short distances. i can run my sprints much faster than before. and my fastest mile yesterday was mile 18. so after running 17 miles i was still able to speed up and run even faster that i had been.

steve was running four miles further than me yesterday, so with an hour from home i had him go on ahead so he would get the most of daylight too. i snapped this picture as he was running ahead. it even looks cold.

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