Sunday, September 1, 2013

back to school

I went to parent swap day for Whitney. I went Nate's senior year. That was 4 years ago.

I would rather work my 10 hour day then go to school for 4 of her hours. Government was interesting, we talked about Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and religious war and why American was in Syria yet and read part of the Constitution. Very cool. But the rest?? Snoozers. Boring teachers, some tried too hard, subject matter, but it was my last one.

It's not been a great weekend, it's a holiday weekend, I have extra days off from work, but just a lot of stuff happened this weekend that drug me down. Way down. Ruined the weekend I was looking forward to. And I'm pretty protective of my time away from work and how I spend it and I get pretty childish when someone else determines how I will spend it. Not very flexible like that. I want say in my life now. For 21 years small people have held me hostage and I want control at least partially.

So I'll look forward to Thanksgiving break.

This is what happens when I say I had a good day. The rest of my week goes downhill.

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