Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 8

I had what I considered an extremely successful week. After running 16 miles on Saturday, I was able to run again on Tuesday, 4 miles, and 5 miles on Wednesday. The fact that I had legs for running again that soon thrilled me. Now, don't ask me about my Wednesday run where Steve gave me a headstart on my 5 miles, passed me, ran 6 miles and passed me on the way home. That always ticks me off, but not at him. I did my strength training with Steve also, which always lends itself to sore muscles for a couple days. Thursday I didn't feel well, and this lasted through the weekend, and because of this I halved my long run on Saturday and ran 9 instead of the 18 I had planned on running. Will have to attempt that next Saturday.
The other thing I have attempted to do is get rid of my horrible tan lines. I have major tan lines from my t-back running shirt and tan lines from my ankle socks, my below the knee running shorts, my running shorts, and my running skirt. I went to the pool today to try and even out my lines a little, had a great new book to read. For some odd reason, I can run for 2 hours in 90+ degree heat and love it, but sitting at the pool and sweating was torture. Sitting in the cold water does seem to help rejuvenate my legs, and since I can't get any sun in my bathtub, the pool works better for that.
I am 12 weeks away from the marathon. I feel pretty confident with the 15 mile and 16 mile runs behind me. I am hoping I stay healthy, and that my legs and feet continue to feel good. I have some aches and pains after I run long on Saturday, but they don't last more than the next day, and they don't keep me from any activities that evening or the next day.


  1. Girl, you are a MACHINE! Okay, maybe not a machine, but you're sure whoopin' the snot out of any athletic goal I've ever dreamed about, let alone TRIED! Good for you!

    Okay, so a question for ya - do you or have you ever dealt with shin splints with all this running? Reason I ask is my husband LOVES to run (I still don't quite "get" how you can "love" running...but he doesn't get how I can "love" typing/writing words and hauling a camera with me everywhere I whatever!) but he has trouble with shin splints. The doc told him to drink lots of water before he runs, and he's getting plenty of intake from his liquid muscle building diet and it seems to be helping...any tricks of the trade you know of that would help?

  2. I'm not an expert, but I would suggest would be making sure he has the right type running shoes for his feet, (google shin splints, it will explain it) and I'm a big believer in soaking legs in a cold bath or putting ice packs on shins. And Ibuprofen. I know the concept of loving to run is hard to comprehend, but he is not alone, if my legs take an extra day or two for recovery I can literally be jealous that Steve gets to run and I don't. I repeat to myself "true love is not jealous".
