Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nothing at all. Not a word.

It's rare when I don't have anything to say. Not something poignant or meaningful or deep or thoughtful, nothing at all. But that's where I am. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
I've been a bit introspective this last week (or two) and not really sure I like looking closely at my internal self. I mean I'm all about the self improvement if it doesn't require reading a self help book. And if it doesn't require too much change. But as our youth pastor Sean says, "if nothing changes, nothing changes." Very deep.
I've been looking at the future and changes that are coming and some of them I'm not looking forward to. I'm not worrying, but some future stuff has to be planned for, and I can't stop it, and really wouldn't want to, but I'm very aware of the passage of time right now and I'm trying to hold on to little moments the best I can. God has always allowed the next phase of my life to be better than the one I'm in. But the sweetest little two year old sat down on my lap the other night, it was completely unexpected, and something about the way she sat down reminded me of Nate and they way he would always just sit down on me, totally and completely sure that there was nothing in the world more important than he was and that I would always make time and room for him. He was right then, and it's still true today. Most of the time kids don't remind me of mine, but there was just something so familiar in the way this happened.
However, if he keeps drinking all my coffee in the morning before I get to my coffee pot, we may throw down.

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