Saturday, March 24, 2012

Worst run ever

I woke up this morning not feeling well. So I canceled on Sheila (again) because it seems one way to make sure something gets in the way of running is to plan to run with Sheila. Very public apology here, I'm sorry Sheila.

After resting a little while longer, I felt better. Nate was leaving this morning, so I waited till he left to run. I'm always a little emotional after he leaves.

Apparently, I didn't feel all the way better, because I stopped at every ladies room I past. I also threw up twice along the bike path. But because I'm a runner I kept running, this is what we do.

Then a father and his son rode past me on their bikes. The son unfortunately, wasn't a terrible skilled rider and forced my off the path where I stepped in fresh dog doodie.

I sweated off all my sunscreen and I'm sunburned.

I was two and half miles from home and I ran through an intersection where four young adult women were in a small green car. One yells out the window at me, "hey, porky, run faster". It was at this point I burst into tears and cried all the way home.


  1. Hateful people are pathetic and they just don't matter.

    1. Except sometimes they hurt...I'm better now. Thanks for being on my side

  2. wow. I can't believe you kept running! Hard core!
    And those girls were just jealous you know.

    1. Thanks Jules, on a normal day it wouldn't have hurt as much. Whitney said I should've thrown up on their car.

  3. As hard as it was, I'm proud of you. You didn't stop. You persevered!
