Monday, September 17, 2012

a letter

have you seen these? the letter to the 13 year old me or 16 year old me, etc? they are on blogs everywhere.

if i would write one to myself for anytime period between 13 and 24 it would go something like this:

dear younger me,

straighten up.


older me (who still gets it wrong a lot of times)

so here are some specific things i would write to young women now.

all women, all ages, invest in your friendships. your whole life. you will never be sorry you made time for friends and worked to keep them close and made new friendships at every period of your life.

13 year old girls...18 year old boys are not interested in you

16 year old are more beautiful then you know

18 year old girls...hold onto every moment, don't try to leave childhood too fast

21-28 year old women...
- have fun. these should feel like the best years of your life. (but please know they really aren't)
- read more, travel more, make friends, grow
- stop giving it away, save it for someone who loves you
- pictures of yourself in bikinis/boobs out of your shirt make you look cheap. guys will think you are.
- you should know better!!! and i'm serious, someday you will wish you hadn't. i know they say you only regret the things you don't do, but don't believe that. you will regret somethings that you do. your whole life. have fun, but MAKE GOOD DECISIONS.
- you are worth more
- you are worth more than the man who puts sports first
- you are worth more than dating a married man
- you are worth more than a booty call
- two dates does not mean he is planning forever with you
- don't pick up men on international vacations...seriously, always a bad idea.

35 year old is just starting to get good, you are not old.
- get some good better wrinkle cream

40 year old women...find a hobby you love because you are about to have some serious time to do things you want to do.
- best years of your life...

i can't say anything beyond this, because i'm not there yet.

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