Friday, April 19, 2013


I've been thinking about my life lately. A lot.

Good memories. Good times. Rough times. Not necessarily bad memories, just memories of rough times.

There is an ancient saying from Heraclitus, "the only constant is change".

Change. Always. Nothing stays the same. And if I'm honest, I don't want things to stay the same. I want to change and grow and get better. I want life to change and grow and get better. I want the people in my life to change. I don't want to stagnate.

But even in light of this, sometimes I resist change. Change can be hard.

Relationship trouble requires change. Change of mind. Change of heart. And sometimes you aren't the one that needs to change but you have to if you want it to work.

Jobs/career paths are in a constant state of evolution. Change or get left behind. I had a boss once that said "I reserve the right to be smarter tomorrow than I am today". Good philosophy. Change or get left behind.

And after today's workout with Marquis, I'm going to say physical changes are hard to make and even harder to see. I've been working out with him for 10 months and asked him when push ups were going to get easy. He said, "hmmmmm" and I said, "never? I just have to get mentally stronger?" And he said yes, that's it. I am much better at push ups. Not only can I do them, which I couldn't really well before, I can do explosive push ups, moving push ups, and all sorts of variations. But they are still hard. My body resists the hard work that brings about change.

Lifestyle changes. Reading more, giving up television, eating right, saving money, all require change.

I'm going to continue to try and embrace the changes life throws at me. Life is short. I only get to live it once. I got to make the most of it.

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