Monday, April 1, 2013

Workin' out

I had my first real outdoor training session this week with Marquis. It was a beautiful day. This meant sprints on the football field and bleachers. So hard and so worth it. And painful the next day. The good thing is I think my foot may finally be ready for me to run. Finally. I can work out like crazy. Weights, core, even Insanity (and let me tell you, the longer I do this crazier I think it is and I am).

I did hear a motivational saying that has kind of stuck with me. Mostly I believe you do it because you want to and find it in yourself to do it. I believe physical strength and emotional strength and mental strength are all tied together.

But this one "the only number that matters is 100%. Give 100%. Anytime I'm working out I'm working out as hard as I can. When I run, I'm running to do two things. Finish and finish well. This requires 100%. 100% may be a different distance and a different time, but it's worth giving your all to something.

And not just sports. Family. Marriage. Child rearing. I've not done everything right relationally, but I do believe that I give 100% to my marriage and my children. Just like running, 100% is different on different days.

Today I told Steve to meet us at Bradley Fair when I meant New Market Square. For those not familiar with Wichita, opposite sides of town. 30 minutes drive apart. Not too 15 minutes from home, Steve was downtown, evenly split. Bad directions. Then Whitney asked me to take her to the Heights baseball game at McAdams. I took her to Westside Athletic Field. Not too terribly apart, but I was spending time with my family, running errands, taking care of stuff, giving everything I had to them, to the moment, and I was not on my game.

But I want my family to know that I did work hard for them. With them. Give all I had.


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