Friday, April 23, 2010

Conversations with Whitney

This is not an actual conversation with Whitney, it is the result of a conversation with Whitney. When I'm using a sharp knife, Whitney (and friends) should not be allowed in the area. While I refused the ER and stitches (and it was not easy standing up to Steve and Sheila) I ended up at the doctor Tuesday with an infection and tendon damage. The cut is the least of my problems know. My hand is bruised from the inside of my wrist, the back of my thumb and into the palm of my hand. And it's swollen. Tune in next week for a special edition of "I have learned" for a list of things I have learned I can't do (or can't do well) with one hand.


  1. ouch!ouch!Ouch! the people in our family can sympathize with you on this!
