Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Future

I have been reading a book, and it's set in a carnival. It's about demons. It does include demons and the devil as being part of the Spiritual realm, and even references the Bible, although it is decidedly a secular book. I picked it up at the library, and while I won't recommend it, it has kept my interest and I'm going to finish it. The part on the fortune teller has really kept me in a grip. I know my future. No matter what this life holds, at the end of this life, I begin my real life with Jesus, and that is my future. I know my end, and I know the end of this world, because the Bible spells it out for us. Thinking about it in earthly terms though, would I want to know what the future holds? In some circumstances, it would be nice. Looking back on raising my kids, there were some things I should've done different. And a few financial decisions I shouldn't have made. I don't even want to think about dating mistakes. There are also things I'm glad I didn't know. The Bible very clearly states not to worry about tomorrow, it has enough worries of its own. If I knew the future, I'd be a mess. But God, in his all knowing wisdom has decided that we need to live one day at a time. Actually, a second by second, minute by minute approach is best for me. I need to stay firmly rooted and trust God in the here and now, because I may not have a tomorrow.
With Halloween approaching, we are surrounded with all kinds of Halloweeny type stuff. I have always let my kids trick or treat and dress up in costumes. But we celebrate "Halloween Light", all candy and cute costumes. We believe that evil exists, but not in the form of werewolves, vampires and ghosts. Along with that,
I don't believe in fortune tellers and psychics, I'm pretty sure that stuff comes from Satan and is witchcraft. And the Bible specifically calls witchraft a sin.
1 Samuel 15:2 "Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols." (Really not gonna touch on the sin of rebellion.) My future is set, I know my end, and all I can do in the near term is live my best life to honor Jesus, point the way to him to as many lost souls as I can, and look forward to that blessed appearing.