Thursday, October 13, 2011

When you pass through the fire

In my Bible Study I was thinking this morning about what I do. Where I serve God, how I serve God, what I do for God.

I'm not changing the world. I'm not a Paul or Abraham or David or Jonah. I'm not a Ruth or Esther.

I thought this morning though that if I could be like someone in the Bible, really truly be like someone, Enoch would be on the list. We don't know much about him. He was Noah's great-grandpa, the father of Methuselah. Hebrews 11:5 says "he had the witness that he had pleased God well." My Sunday school teachers always taught us that Enoch walked with God. That's really all I know. And for me, it's a great testimony. I'm no Enoch, but I would love to be.

I shared previously that my older kids are all going through tough times. I have friends going through tough times. I have some pretty heavy stuff weighing on me.

A friend of mine gave me some advice this week, from her wisdom arsenal. She said she has told God that the donkey was going to have to do it. (Old Testament reference, Numbers 22). She said we never do it on our own, but when we reach the end of what we can do, God will step in and make it happen, and he can do it in ways we would never dream of.

So here's to the donkey, getting it done.
Balaam and the angel, painting from Gustav Jaeger, 1836.

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