Monday, December 12, 2011

Escapades in (Grand)parenting

I'm off my game. If I ever had one in this area.

Sundays Anneshia spends the afternoon at our house. Words that are not used in our home get uttered frequently. Yelling "NO" and "PUT THAT DOWN" and "GET IN HERE" are a minute by minute occurence. Throw in the "no, you can't go outside" and you have our four hours.

Recently we've added the word "potty" to the mix.

Yesterday Steve had a group trail run he wanted to run. Whitney had a make up volleyball practice. Unusual Sunday, but not a big deal. I raised 5 kids, what's one 2.5 year old for two hours.

I'm talking to the club director, watching Anneshia watch practice, squealing gleefully "Wee Wee" every time Whitney hits the ball or "Nae Nae" every time Denae does. Clapping, cheering and yelling "ball". And Denae's mom grabs my arm and says, "does she need to go to the bathroom"? (Thanks Sheila B.)

Yes, all the signs were there. The pulling at her crotch, the wiggling and fidgeting. And I missed it. So into the high school bathroom we go.

Debbie if you are reading this, STOP NOW!

I decide to make use of this time wisely and utilize the second stall while Anneshia is in the first one. I'm done before she is, step into the other stall where she is... playing in the feminine hygiene disposal. I will spare the details, but it's as gross as you can imagine. After finishing her up and sterilizing her from head to toe, we head back to the gym and Wee Wee and Nae Nae.

Few minutes later I hear "potty", and I do remember you never tell a 2.5 year old "you just went", so we head back in. I stop on the way in to look in the mirror and adjust my hair (stupid vain shallow Gigi. What were you thinking?)

I get in the stall 3 seconds behind baby girl who is leaning over the toilet bowl, face in the circle like she's been on an all night bender. She's so little her feet are swinging free off the ground. I pick her up and notice that the water in the toilet bowl is rippling.

I told Steve and Whitney I am not to be trusted alone with the baby ever again. And when I drop her off, I find out Mia (age 1.5) is coming next week too.

Double the trouble, twice the fun???