Friday, December 4, 2009

525,600 Minutes Post 4

22. Baseball. I love to watch baseball. Getting to see Johnny Damon play for the Wranglers in Wichita, KS, AA ball for a season was great.
23. Trip to Chicago with my roommate Becca. We helped her mom move to Indianapolis, we got lost and stopped for directions in Indy at a fire station and got to go up 13 stories in the cherry picker. I loved it; Becca cowered on the floor with her head below the railing. She has always been much smarter than me.
24. Left Indy and went on to Chicago for a week of fun. First real mall I visited, saw the Sears tower, and after the Wichita skyline, Chicago’s is impressive. Visited many cool places in Chicago.
25. I was in Burger King on my way home from the gym (I know, that's counterproductive) and the cashier told me that the Gulf War was over.
26. Christmases at my grandparents house, Dad’s side. Heard my grandpa talking to his brothers about World War II experiences.
27. The birth of my nephew Cameron. I was never a baby person, but I discovered when he was born I did like babies. Just only certain ones.
28. The first time I heard Nate’s heartbeat was one of the most moving experiences of my life. At 24 this was brand new for me. It was a new life, and I fell in love for the first time at that moment.

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