Friday, September 4, 2009

I went back to school

I went to parent swap day for Nate today. High school never changes. The players are different, but it’s still the same. There were the football players in their jerseys cause it’s game day. There were cheerleaders and pompon girls in their uniforms. There was the kid in the Iron Maiden tee shirt covered by a Led Zeppelin sweat shirt. There was the too-beautiful-to-be-true foreign exchange student. There was the teacher who tried to be cool but was more like a friendly puppy. There were two teachers who really were cool, but didn’t try and didn’t care. There was the teacher who had complete and utter control of his class, even the parents were scared to act out. Over all, I found the day enjoyable (after I found the vending machine that actually had DIET coke in it).
There was the football player who nodded at me and called me ma’am. I guess I am old enough to be is mom. There were 3 times I was told Nate looked just like me. There was the cute little girl that loved my hair and wanted to know if it was natural and was going to try and get my exact color, but wouldn’t be able to get my waves. There was the cute little girl who is making the mouse trap powered car in a group with Nate in physics. Nate made her get the first detention she’s ever had. She was 30 seconds late from lunch when she went with him. There were 4 of them but she was the only one who got a detention. There was Coach Thomason asking about my 8th grade daughter he coached in club volleyball. There was Coach Wheeler also asking about Whitney, his daughter and Whit are good friends. Madison walked me to Government, my nephew Jeff gave me a hug in the hallway. Anytime a teenage boy gives you a hug it’s a good day. Sam asked me how my summer was. Khary called me Mrs. Welch and walked me to pottery class. I was writing my grocery list in English Comp/College Reading and the teacher called on me to see what I had come up with on the writing project we were doing. So not cool. Quick thinking saved me. Nancy (another mom) and I couldn’t figure out how to turn the TI-85 calculator on in Pre-calc. I told her about my English/grocery list assignment and didn’t realize the boy on my other side was in Nate’s English class. He laughed at me. Nate’s study hall teachers commented on the Yankees win last night and then looked at me and said don’t say anything bad about the Yankees, I said of course not, and he said, Cardinals fan, and I said of course, and he went to his desk and gave me an article he had pulled out of a magazine for Nate about how you have to be brain damaged to be a Cubs fan. I ran into a couple of friends in the hall, Jolene, Meredith and Kathy. I love those three ladies. The weights coach told me Nate worked hard in weights and enjoyed class and was a good kid he liked having him around. His teachers all knew who he was, what he was interested in, and the majority of them were very personable. He seems to have good teachers. Best of all though, was Will, a friend of Nates and a fellow senior. When I went to first hour, English, Will told me where to sit and told me Nate is one of his favorite people. Then in 8th hour, pottery, Will pulled his chair up to the table with me and sat with me and talked at first about Nate, but then about his guitar and his band and his life. Will was wearing a Candy Land tee. I don’t know Will, first time I ever met him. Nate likes him. I liked him, and can see why Nate does.
It’s a hard time in life, growing into independence. I appreciate teachers. Several times I heard it said today about making good choices. In life now and next year at college, talked about how important this time period is in your life and the decisions you make. To those teachers, and the ones who know my kid and what he likes to do and what he’s working for, you may never read this, but thank you so much. To all the teachers making a difference in kids lives, thank you.

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