I'm sitting here with jelly legs from a 21 mile bike ride with Steve. We had 5-15 mph winds. I think it was closer to 15, but I'm no meteorologist. Steve, Sheila and I all decided this was a good week to run less miles. For me, it's a pattern. I can do longer runs and push myself 3 weeks in a row and then I don't have any gas for the next week. So I just go with it. I ran 12.5 miles this week. I did speed work earlier this week, cause I would really like to get faster and then a 4 mile run just to keep my legs in shape. Saturday morning Steve and I ran 6 miles. He hadn't ran all week so he needed to get the blood flowing so his easy run is my sprint, so I ran my usual over all time, but did it with sprints and recovery walks, which is good for me. I did more cross training than normal to make up for the miles I didn't run and did my strength training. I am pleased to say that in 15 weeks of marathon training I have stayed with it, and while I have missed workouts and missed mileage I attempted, I have stayed consistently with it and there are so many more positives in this process than negatives. I have a hard time feeling upset with my performance ever. I get discouraged at times, but overall I know how far I have come and that is my true competition. To be better than I was. A friend of mine told me her husband said that her 2009 could kick her 1999 butt. That's what matters. William Faulkner once said "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself".

Here's my new shoes and socks. I've ran in them several times and I am no longer a Nike girl. These Under Armor's rock. And were half the price. I also just noticed my lovely black toenail in the picture. They haven't fallen off yet, I keep taping them before I run.
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