Monday, January 25, 2010

Treasured Memories

"But his mother treasured all these things in her heart." Luke 2:51
This verse is talking about Mary and Jesus. This is right after they had to return to Jerusalem when he was 12 because he stayed behind, and they found him in the Temple.
I have scrap books of my kids. Tons of pictures. And I'm not really that good at scrapbooks (and I'm years behind) and anymore most of my pics come from my blackberry or Steve's Iphone. I did check the ads yesterday for a new camera, and Best Buy has some deals...
Anyway, some of my favorite memories of my kids don't have pictures. These are old memories, but they are in focus, as if they just happened yesterday. Some of them only exist in my mind. No one else was there, or if they were they didn't see just how special the moment was. Some come with tangible reminders, a gift bought they bought for me for no good reason out of money earned mowing yards. Something you didn't want, need, or have any use for but it still holds a place of honor on your dresser because of the thought behind it. (Pause with me for a moment while I wipe the tears from my eyes as I think about the cell phone holder that is shaped like an armchair with water and fish in it that you can shake up). I still have these moments with my kids. Even though my kids are adult size.
It's important to me to have these memories, because the nature of raising children is to prepare them for life on their own. I certainly don't want them still living in my house when they are 30. But it's a process. They don't just at 21 decide they are old enough and ready to move out and be independent. It's a process that starts with birth. They are constantly growing into this independence. When they stop bottle/breastfeeding. When they begin to feed themself. When they are no longer in diapers. When they take their own showers, brush their own teeth, fix their own cereal and sandwiches. Then they make some money and get to spend it or save for something big, their decision. They learn to drive, even though there are a lot of conditions on where they go, what they do, who with, etc. And hopefully, someday, they become a grown up and you get to have a new kind of relationship with them.
I often wonder what Mary thought during the time of Christ's crucifixion. What a horror that must have been to live through. She of all people had to believe the prophecy that he was the Messiah, but even knowing this, that had to be the worst kind of torture. We are told a couple of times that Mary kept memories. It's nice to know that while she was the mother of the Messiah, she was also a mother, just like many of us today who treasured memories.

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