Friday, September 24, 2010

Conversations with Whitney

Setting: Heights High School gym, freshman volleyball game.

Whitney: Did you bring me a drink?
Me: No, do you have your water bottle?
Whitney: No.
Me: I’ll get you something.

I call Steve and ask him to bring his water jug in when he gets there. He takes a two gallon red and white Coleman jug to work with him every day.

Steve: Here’s your water.
Whitney: THIS IS AWESOME! (Hangs it over her arm like a purse) I’m going to carry this with me everywhere I go from now on. It’s an accessory! Thanks Dad!

I want to point out that there is never any excitement over the green insulated 24 oz water bottle I got for her, or the stainless steel one I generally fill and bring for her, or the Gatorade I get on occasion (except to say “I like red better”…)

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