Saturday, September 25, 2010

Training Update

I have run 413 miles since July 1. But this morning I went out to run 24 and 2 miles in my right foot was hurting on the top bad enough I was limping. Steve doesn't let me push through some pain. If I limp for two miles, he knows I'm done. Fortunately, we had changed our running plan this week and had gone to a local park that has miles of running/bike trails and Sheila had met us there. She had 8 miles to run. We did the first loop of 4 and she had to get her son to a parade, so I went home with her and Steve finished his 32. (I know, that's crazy!) I'm going to give it a few days and hopefully that will take care of it. RICE, or in my case, RIICE, rest, ice, ibuprofen, compression and elevation. Marathon is two weeks from tomorrow. I don't think it's a sideline injury, and I know my body and running pain pretty well, so I'm not to worried...yet. I will have to run 24 next week as I am taking this weekend off. I still have to plan for my "follow up" marathon in November to keep Steve company on his 100 miler. I may try aqua jogging tomorrow just to get an hour of alternate training in. Will see how I feel. And if my swimsuit still fits. I'm much skinnier. 413 miles in triple digit heat in three months will do that, if you are looking for a quick weight loss program.

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