Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Does that make me crazy?

I saw a picture of a copperhead that was seen at Lake Perry. Just for some reference, Lake Perry is outside of Topeka. Which is close to Lawrence, the location of Clinton Lake where I am planning to run this September. Since Steve and I have both already seen rattlers up close and personal this year and I have had a close encounter with a non-venomous reptile, Ben’s picture of the copperhead was a little freaky. So I did some reading about copperheads.

They are not lethal, unless you are allergic to their venom. I’m guessing unless he just ate pine nuts, I will be okay. They don’t usually even treat copperhead bites with anti-venin. They do give pain medicine, and the venom causes skin rot. YAY! Skin rot!

They also are not aggressive. They don’t like people and will try to avoid them.

I didn’t even think twice about this race I want to run, I just did research on the type of snake I think I might encounter to be prepared in case I get bit…

I'm getting over my fear of snakes.  Never thought that would happen.

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