Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Proverbs 31

I try to read Proverbs every day. I don’t always, but I read whatever Proverb lines up with the day of the month. Which means I only read Proverbs 31 seven times a year. It’s full of good stuff. I don't usually feel like a Proverbs 31 woman. I'm a spaz, and I know it, but I keep trying. Different portions stick out to me from time to time. Today, these are the thoughts my rambling mind pulled out of these scriptures.

15 – she provides food for her family. I know they didn’t have McDonald’s or Taco Bell in that day, but that does count, doesn’t it?

17 – her arms are strong for her tasks. It’s scriptural that I go to the Y and lift weights. My arms need to be strong.

21 – when it snows, she has no fear for her household. I think I need to remember this everytime I put away coats and jackets. I am thankful we have warm outerwear.

30 – a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. I talked with my sister the other night about the holy and just side of God. I am so glad he’s loving and forgiving and merciful. But I don’t ever want to forget that he is a God of justice, and that means there are consequences to my actions and for my sin. He paid for it. It’s forgiven. I am free.

But the writer of the Proverbs, believed by many to be Solomon (also known as King Lemuel??) learned this from his mother, Bathsheba. And she saw the “dark side” to use Peggy’s words of God as his justice met David’s actions. David and Bathsheba were forgiven for their sin. But they suffered consequences for their actions.

I don’t want to be guilty of ignoring this side of God. I want to fear the Lord and his power. I want to remember he is a just God. Just because I have the “fire insurance” that keeps me out of hell, it is not reason to live like the devil, as my mom would say.

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