Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In my corner...

I went to the pool. A couple of times. First time I ran into Meredith (from the herd). Talked to her for two hours. A conversation I desperately needed this weekend. God puts the people we need in our path at just the right times. Found out I could flip from stomach to my back without ever getting off the inner tube or dislodging my strapless swimsuit top. This in itself is amazing, and since my suit is a size or two too big, it was a risky move.

I ran twice this weekend. Successfully, no pain. Mile and a half each time, without walking. So I’m ready to go up to two miles tomorrow. And maybe speed up a little, I’ve been taking it really easy. I got to run with Sheila, the first time in three months. Again, God puts people in our path when we need them. (Although Sheila pretty much walks the path

Steve had his tooth pulled. That tooth has been a major huge deal. Two mis-diagnosis, three dentists, an ER visit, 5 trips to the dentist office, three prescription pain killers, oral antibiotics, packed the tooth with antibiotics, pulled it to get......a dry socket over the holiday weekend, no one answered the emergency number and when I scheduled the earliest appointment available today someone else scheduled it at the same time and they gave it to them. I am not ashamed to admit I cried when she called me back and told me his appointment was 7 hours later.

Three date nights this weekend. With a tooth ache, Steve still managed to show me a good time. Dinner and a movie, UFC fights on the big screen, and banana splits at Braum’s.

I thought about stopping my blog. I don’t really want to, and decided against it, but thought seriously about it. Realized it’s been exactly two and a half years, 503 posts and over 10,000 visitors. I realize some of you read everything I post, so I have multiple repeat visitors. My most viewed posts are The Ozark Trail 100 race report, the Psycho Wyco race report and Tar Baby relationships. I believe google helps me out with that. Oh, and All the Single Ladies is catching up fast.

I love my new church already. But in thinking about it, I loved my old church. And the one before that. So it just comes down to the church is the people who love God, and I love the people who love God, so I love church. You know, if a = b and b= c then a = c.

My neighborhood looked and sounded like a war zone when I went to get Whitney at 11:00 p.m. last night. Lots of smoke and lighting up around the area. Smelled like burning stuff. And the poor animals were so freaked out, I almost hit three cats that ran out in front of me.

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