Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm a lumberjack, baby.

There is a saying “can’t see the forest for all the trees”. I’ve been taking down one tree at a time. Kind of had to. I’m a lumberjack, baby. (obscure pop culture reference) Last night Steve and I were talking and I looked at the forest, or in my case, the jungle. I kind of like my jungle right now. It’s exciting. Unexpected. Full of wildness, newness, the unknown. Swinging from tree to tree, vine to vine. But I’m not in it alone.
There are a few more trees I’m want to take out and it’s going to require constant work.
Again, I have had the same thought hit home through two different passages of scripture in close succession. These are regarding harvesting what you planted. That can be taken two ways, look at the bad seeds you’ve planted and worry about the harvest, or look at the good seeds you’ve planted and wait for the harvest. I think everyone of us has some of both seeds out there. What we’ve been doing is trying to dig up the bad seeds. Pull up the roots. We’re still going to have to deal with the harvest, we know that.
There is no time like the present to start planting good seeds. I’m content, again, in my present, watching God work, watching and feeling him heal, and just amazed at what I see him do. I am no longer worried about our future, what we are going to do, where we are going to go, what is going to happen, what we should be doing, what is expected. I now just live moment to moment, and I like it.

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