Steve and I went and heard a new friend's band at an outdoor concert Friday night. It was a lot of fun. I ran into an old friend, our boys played basketball together in 5th and 6th grade (yep, once upon a time Nate played basketball) and I met her friend who's son is also a friend of Nate's from Heights. My world is so small sometimes.
Watched the UFC fights with Steve. I'm not a huge fan, but it's fascinating to watch men beat the heck out of each other and call it sport.
Went to our new church. Very impressed with the pastor. He spent the week in Joplin working with tornado relief. Showed video this morning. I love seeing a pastor do what he is encouraging his flock to do. Leading by example. He has committed to (himself and the church) helping twice a month for the summer and once a month for the next year. Not just money, not just supplies, physically being there.
Switched jobs at work last week. New desk, new building, sitting with new people. I actually get to sit next to the two guys I sat between when I first started at Spirit. I love these two guys. Same boss, buyer position, just different commodity. Already love it. Parking is tons better, too.
Still not running, most likely not going to run till fall now. My only goal this year is to run the 10 mile Turkey Trot in November. Since I got a 10 mile in the snow and the marathon in March, I feel okay about that. Lots of weights and spin classes and core classes and elliptical in my future.
Went for an hour walk Saturday on the trail. It's beautiful, here is my view.

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