Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jesus loves me because...

I read a few things today that made me laugh. A blog post. Facebook. I would love to tell you exactly what I read and why it’s humorous, but I don’t know if the people I would be writing about would be reading this, and I don’t want to hurt them.
As I was laughing about what I read, I tweeted “I don’t believe everything I read…” because one in particular was, well, laughable.
I logged into my email, looking for information in an old one I saved and I found a couple that I didn’t know were still there. I thought I had gotten rid of all the hate mail I was getting for a while. Really hurtful things. I tried not to read them, but just a line or two reminded me of all the nasty things that were said to me. I deleted them. But they really drug me down. And wouldn’t you know, I realized what I just tweeted. “I DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ...”
Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true. What I know to be true is what I’m going to believe. People can say hurtful mean things, they can even believe them. I’m going to continue to choose love. Love for the unloveable. Love for the mean spirited. Love for the hateful. Love for those who don’t love me. Love for those who want to hurt me. Love for those who send me hate mail. I’m going to love the Lord my God and then I’m going to love my neighbor as myself. I have a favorite saying, “the only reason Jesus loves me is he chooses too.”


  1. Absolutely! We ourselves can be awful unlovable, if not mean-spirited, at times too. It's in those moments we need to remember who is loving us in spite of it. :)

  2. I know I can be and have been hateful and unloveable. I need everyone to show me Jesus live too. He's the only thing in me that's good.
