They’ve predicted we have an 8 in 10 chance of tornadoes here today. Typically for Kansas meteorologists
that means the storm will miss us completely. We canceled school two days last winter because of storm predictions and then it didn’t storm. They said after the fact that it was because it was too cold. Way to (try and) save face. Of course canceling school was school officials acting on the information the meteorologist provided.
Why yes, the wind is blowing in Kansas today.
Do home school kids get snow days?
Steve is thinking of adding a race this summer called the “Lunar Trek”. It’s July 15; full moon night. I don’t think he’s crazy, I’m just jealous (and I know, true love isn’t jealous) that my foot has me sidelined and I won’t be able to run too. 100K starts at 9:00 and the other distances (10K, 11 mile, 22 mile, 50K and 40 mile) start at 11:00. And that is P.M.
I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing Whitney’s BFF Madeline until she was over last night. (They’ve been together, just not at my house). Just a few gems from Maddi “what is charcoal made of?” Whitney “uhhhhh huhuh (think Beavis and Butthead), coal?”. Maddi giggling, “Oh, I’m so stupid. My mom was making ribs the other day and they were white instead of red and I asked her if they were chicken ribs.” (I just laughed again typing that).
Today is the last day of freshman year of high school. Whitney doesn’t want to be a sophomore, she’d rather be a freshman because “I don’t even know any sophomores”.
I’m hungry. And I have a diet coke and popcorn for lunch. I know way better than this. But after the birthday party and two graduation parties this weekend I ate way too much cake. And we had donuts at the Steve 50 and I ate way too many donuts. And a bag of M & M’s. The 14 oz size. I ate a week’s worth of calories in two days. But I watched Steve run 50 miles, that burned a few, right???
I really miss getting to run. Who wouldn't miss 26.2 miles of running these types of trails? They are both horse trails, and I ran these one month apart. I never showed any good pictures of the Texas trail that a lot of sand. The sand and heat in March was actually more difficult than the snow and cold in February. But I loved both, and really can't wait to run again.
Pictures from my March run

Pictures from my February run

yeah, homeschool kids get a lot of snow days! especially if they are motivated to get their work done quickly so they can go out and play all day. :)