I was raised knowing this verse. It's right after the angels sang in the sky at Jesus birth and the shepherds came and worshiped. I never truly understood what that meant. But I think I have an idea now. My children's births were not like that of Jesus, and I don't compare what Mary knew about her child to what mine meant to me. I just totally understand treasuring moments and thinking about them, as I'm sure every mother in the world does. A smile when your child has done something that in their mind is extraordinary. The gift that you really have no idea what to do with, but will treasure because of the face that gave it to you (I still have a three foot tall stuffed skunk, a tarnished silver cross, the ugliest candle holder ever in existence, etc.) I see looks on my kids faces that speak stronger than words. Whitney can look at me from the volleyball court and I know what's going through her head. These unspoken moments are gifts to mother's that no one else gets. Along with that, I believe these people that come out of our bodies have the power to make us feel pain like no other. When my kids hurt, I hurt. I would take any pain from them.
So, Mother's Day to me is not about gifts. Never has been. I don't want or need gifts on Mother's Day. No jewelry or kindle, no lunch out (I did tell Steve he could take me out for dinner another night this week, but only cause I like the time with him), no breakfast in bed. Lots of "Happy Mother's Day" wishes. Several brought tears to my eyes. Unexpected. People I didn't think would take the time to send me a text, really surprised they thought of me at all today.
I will treasure this Mother's Day for the rest of my life, and yes, keep it in my heart. Yesterday I woke up kind of foggy. And in that foggy state, my chest hurt right above my heart. And in that sleepy state, I wondered if my heart had hurt for so long that I could actually feel the pain. Then I remembered the 3 unassisted pullups from the night before. I felt awesome. So strong. And had I stopped...but I did a 4th and I tweaked a muscle. Today, nothing hurts. But all day yesterday, it hurt to touch it. That's when I realized that the pain really was external. God truly is the healer. And he is keeping his promises to me. And he chose today to make one well known.
This morning I didn't wake up to breakfast in bed or presents. I woke up to a request for money so Nate could go golfing with his cousins. But after that, my day started with the best Mother's Day gift I could've hoped for. Nothing tangible. Just some actions and a few words that many of us take for granted. I did up until not too long ago. I won't ever again. But today is a day I'll treasure and remember for the rest of my life. A look, a smile, words, memories. Those are important to this mom.
I love my kids, Kari, Amanda, Ashley, Nate and Whitney. I'm blessed to have you in my life. I love Steve. I have a good life.
Whitney - 14

Nate 18

Ashley 19 - Mia 10 months

Amanda - 20 Anneshia 2 years

Kari - 22

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